No if’s, and’s or but’s about it, I’m out of shape. I hit middle age like a brick wall that I didn’t see coming. Between major life changes and major life changes, I kept eating and eating and stopped exercising. So when this year’s Breeze-Fusion Walk/Run rolled around, I decided instead of handing out water bottles or directing traffic as a volunteer, I would lace up my running shoes and hit the pavement (albeit very, very, very slowly).
When the first alarm went off at 4:00 am, I couldn’t figure out why. It’s a Saturday morning, for goodness sake. Multiple alarms later, I made it to the registration desk staffed by my fellow colleagues at Radio Cayman (& Breeze FM), sometime near 6:00 am. (Needless to say, they were not impressed having been there since 5 am).

As I tried to get my tired body in gear, my mind started to clear and along with hundreds of other early risers, I started to enjoy the sights and sounds of South Sound at Sunrise. I also got to thinking a bit.
Almost every weekend on Grand Cayman, there are at least one or two of these walk/run fundraisers and it’s wonderful to see people connecting for a good cause, while doing something healthy. Community service is huge in the Cayman Islands and events like these have been an incredible way for newcomers to integrate into our society.
Last I heard, Cayman was home to people of over 40 nationalities. Visitors have asked me how it is that we have such a peaceful and diverse society here. My theory is that when you roll up your sleeves (or in this case lace up your shoes) and break a sweat for a good cause, it goes a long way to reminding us of the things we share in common as people.

This year’s Breeze Fusion raised funds for NCVO Children’s Services and the Scranton Community Park, both groups filling an important need here on Grand Cayman. As I prepare my epsom salt bath this evening and almost fall in due to exhaustion, I’m filled with a sense of appreciation for my Cayman Life. I love that we have access to all the things we really need without losing the sense of community that is so uniquely Cayman.